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Venomous Snake


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Black mamba: Black mambas are some of the scariest snakes on the planet. 

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Fer-de-Lance: A bite from a fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper) can turn a person's body tissue black as it begins to die.

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Boomslang: The boomslang is one of the most venomous of the so-called rear-fanged snakes.

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Eastern Tiger Snake: Its potent venom can cause poisoning in humans in just 15 minutes after a bite and is responsible for at least one death a year on average.

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Russel’s Viper: around 58,000 deaths in India are attributed to snake bites every year, and the Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) is responsible for the majority of these mortalities.

Source: Google

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Saw-scaled Viper: Along with their fellow vipers, the Russel's viper and the pit viper, these nondescript little reptiles may be responsible for about 58,000 deaths a year in India alone.

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Banded Krait: The banded krait (Bungarus fasciatus) is a slow mover during the day and is much more likely to bite after dark. 

Source: Google

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King Cobra: The king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the world's longest venomous snake, measuring up to 18 feet (5.4 m).

Source: Google

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