Hydra: These dragons are water serpents with multiple heads.
Source: Google
Drake: In Middle English, Drake actually means dragon. This type has four limbs.
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Quetzalcoatl dragons: Quetzalcoatl is a feathered serpent deity in Mesoamerican mythology, particularly in Aztec and Maya cultures.
Source: Google
Wyvern: A wyvern is a legendary winged dragon with two legs from the Mediterranean territory.
Source: Google
Lindworm: These dragons have the head of a horse with a mane covering their neck.
Source: Google
Sea serpent: The sea serpent is a mythical water dragon found in the ocean's depths.
Source Google
Chinese dragon: The Chinese dragon, also known as long or lung, is an integral part of Chinese mythology and is also known as the oriental dragon.
Source: Google
Amphiptere: The amphiptere, also known as phipthere, is a two-winged serpent often used as a representation of dragons in European heraldry.
Source: Google
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