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Facts About Venus

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Venus orbits the Sun from an average distance of 67 million miles (108 million kilometers), or 0.72 astronomical units.

Source: Google

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Venus is hotter than Mercury – despite being further away from the Sun.

Source: Google

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Venus also orbits the Sun anti-clockwise but spins clockwise on its axis.

Source: Google

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Venus is the second brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon.

Source: Google

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While Venus slowly turns on its axis every 243 days, its upper atmosphere whips around the planet underneath it every 4 days. 

Source: Google

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Venus has 90 times the atmospheric pressure of Earth.

Source Google

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Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Source: Google

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Venus was the first planet to have its motions plotted across the sky, as early as the second millennium BC.

Source: Google

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