In a heartbreaking turn of events, Bollywood actresses Malaika Arora and Amrita Arora’s father, Anil Mehta, tragically passed away on the morning of September 11. The news has sent shockwaves across the entertainment industry, with reports suggesting that he took his own life. According to sources, Anil Mehta jumped from his sixth-floor apartment in Bandra, Mumbai, leaving his family devastated.
Amid this tragic news, a video has surfaced that has left fans both shocked and emotional. The footage shows Anil Mehta’s daughter, Amrita Arora, visiting her parents just hours before the incident. In the video, Amrita is seen leaving the house after meeting her parents, bidding them goodbye, and walking away. The sight has deeply touched many, knowing that this was her last meeting with her father.
Reports indicate that Amrita visited her parents, Anil and Joyce, on the night of September 10, the day before the tragedy. The video, which has since gone viral on social media, shows her standing in the balcony, saying goodbye to her parents. Moments later, she gets into her car with her dog and drives away.
Fans and followers have been flooding social media with comments on the emotional video. One user wrote, “Life is truly unpredictable.” Another expressed sadness, saying, “It’s heartbreaking that she met him just a night before he passed.” Yet another user commented, “At least she got to see her father one last time.”
The tragic loss of Anil Mehta has left the family, especially Malaika and Amrita, in deep grief. The video of Amrita’s last meeting with her father has become a poignant reminder of how fragile life can be.